本文主要介绍咱是如何与奸商3A网络斗智斗勇拿回域名归属权。 当初乐享(高三时候建立的一个文件分享网站)刚建立部署的时候站长咱还是个穷的要死的学生狗(现在还是2333),而且也没啥建站的经验,所以买域名的时候直接去淘宝上面搜,结果买的最多的(鬼知道是不是刷的)就是那啥3A网络。然后一看只要35一年于是就注册了一个,然后再dnspod做了解析,用起来倒也没啥问题。 可是这个假期在给乐享升级的时候突然心血来潮想换个域名服务商结果却出现问题了,咨询3A的淘宝客服后他们告诉我说要想转必须要交100大洋,而且只能万网转万网、新网转新网,好家伙这和霸王条款有什么区别。后来我查了一下whois,居然把我的域名给锁定了,不准许转入转出,当时就怒了,有这么欺负消费者的么。 结果上网查了一下3A个渣渣是个二级代理,代理阳光互联的域名注册业务,然后我联系了阳光互联的客服,结果被告知二级代理有自己域名转出策略的话他们也管不了。我看完全就是不想管,都是一路货。本来转域名的意愿不是很强烈,但是给你们这一搞我非得要把域名给转出去。 既然和代理商直接说不让,那么直接向ICANN投诉好了。ICANN是The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers的缩写,负责域名管理等任务。同时其也接受来着域名所有者的申诉,只需要到指定的申诉界面进行相关的信息填写即可。 申诉地址如下:https://forms.icann.org/en/resou ... aints/transfer/form Name,email,telephone num,domain name什么的如实填写即可,domain name不需要加www; 下面的理由复选框照着这样勾选即可: 
然后接下来是让你写一些detail信息,随便写点抱怨的XXX,请求XXX之类的,我的是这样写的(英语渣): Comments: Dear ICANN: I registered my domain xxx.com at sundns.com. I am not satisfied with their service and I want to transfer my domain to other companies.But I can’t find any place on their site to get my Auth-Info code. Followed their FAQ, their say that they will not provide the auth code to me if I don't pay 100 RMB to them. I think I am the domain owner and I have the right of transfering my domain by free. But many domain agents in China (not only )always set up many check points and collect fees to avoid customers transfering domain out of them. Please send the auth code of (xxx.com) to it’s owner email.I want my domain transfer code, and complete the transfer as soon as possible. thank you very much. Hu. 嗯,要我交100软妹币的事情我一定要给你抖出来。 对了注意在发起申诉之前把whois信息保护给关了,不然ICANN无法验证域名的归属权,你还得多折腾一次,我开始时就给忘了。 如果你没有关闭whois信息保护ICANN会给你回这样的邮件: Transfer requests can only be processed when they are submitted by a Transfer Contact (i.e., the Registered Name Holder or Administrative Contact). Since the domain name referenced in your complaint is currently registered behind a privacy service, it is not possible for the registrar of record to determine if you are a Transfer Contact. Please lift the privacy service so that you are listed in the Whois data as a Transfer Contact. 关闭whois保护后,回复ICANN的那封邮件(不要改主题),然后没几天ICANN就给我回另一封封邮件,让我提供能表明我向代理商发出了索要域名转移码请求而他们没鸟我的证据,摘录如下: Please provide evidence (such as emails, customer service tickets, or date and time of telephone calls) that you have already taken these four steps, that are required for ICANN to be able to start its standard Contractual Compliance process regarding domain name transfers: (1) You must have already requested the AuthInfo code from the registrar, and did not receive it within 5 days from the date of your request; and (2) You must have already requested the registrar of record to unlock the domain name but it was not unlocked within five days following the date of your request. Please send the information and records requested above via reply email (no more than 4 MB total) and do not change the email subject heading. Please provide records as attachments in .TXT, .PDF, or .DOC(X) format. 然后我因为我是在淘宝上买的,所以我回了封邮件问他们QQ和淘宝聊天记录算不算证据,还有中文他们能不能看懂什么的(当然我是用英语问来着)。 然后他们华丽丽的用中文给我回了一封邮件2333… 内容如下: 请提供证据(比如电子邮件,客户服务单或者通话日期和时间)证明您已经采取了如下四个步骤,以便ICANN开始其关于域名转出事宜的标准合同合规程序: (1)您必须已经要求注册商提供转移密码,但是自要求之日起五天内没有获得转移密码;并且 (2)您必须已经要求注册商将该域名解锁,但是自要求之日起五日内该域名没有被解锁。 请通过邮件回复以上信息和记录(总大小不要超过4MB)并且不要修改邮件主题。请以.TXT, .PDF, or .DOC(X)格式的附件来提供。 好吧,我给就是了。 我把和3a客服和sundns客服的聊天记录截了图放到了一个word里,然后又把sundns域名服务员回我的邮件给转成了pdf,放到了附件里,邮件正文稍加说明然后回给了ICANN,大致如下: The chat recording and email information are in the attachments. Please verify it. 聊天截图: 
然后就可以随意转域名了,enjoying it! 没想到ICANN又给我回了封邮件,内容如下:
Dear XXX,Thank you for submitting a Transfer complaint concerning the domain name XXX.com. ICANN has reviewed and closed your complaint because:- The registrar of record provided ICANN with copy of the written communications in which the AuthInfo code was sent to the Registered Name Holder of the affected domain name. In addition, the current Whois database shows that the domain name is not locked.ICANN considers this matter now closed. If you require future assistance, please submit a new complaint to ICANN at http://www.icann.org/resources/compliance/complaints .Please do not reply to this email (replies to closed complaints are not monitored by ICANN staff).ICANN is requesting your feedback on this closed complaint. Please complete this optional survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/8F2Z6DP .Sincerely,ICANN Contractual Compliance 大致就是发现域名代理商已经把转移码发给你啦,而且域名也被解锁,任务结束关闭工单之类的。 ICANN简直贴心的不要不要的。 这篇文章的原来写在我博客里面的,可惜都没几人看,原地址:http://www.jerryfu.net/post/recapture-domain-via-complaint.html,欢迎转载,但希望注明出处,给我的小博客加点人气,嘻嘻。 |